Welcome to Turning Point

Yoga in School Programs.

We provide an energy of inspiration, a safe space where students can find balance in their lives, enabling them to reach their full potential.

Yoga has many benefits to children and teens. Our Yoga and mindfulness programs can be tailored to the needs of your students, themed alongside your school’s values, or current learning. Designed to help them build focus, resilience and a healthy self esteem.


Primary Schools

Classes are often themed around a story so its fun! While they are moving around having such fun there is magic at work.. Turning Point delivers yoga and mindfullness, in a creative way to improve physical and mental wellbeing, the child finds balance, returning to class calm and focused.

Classes are 45 min, maximum of 25 students.

Single class $200

Or a full day of classes (you choose grades and time frames) $500


Secondary Schools

The teenage years can be a confusing time as students develop confidence in their identity. Our classes include partner and group activities, as well as quiet time for breath work and relaxation. We focus on postures which balance the hormones and bring the mind to a state of calm and clarity.

Classes are 45 min, maximum of 25 students.

Single class $200

OR full day of classes (you choose year levels and time frames) $500


School Staff

Having worked in education, I know all too well school does not finish at 3.30. A good teacher see’s lessons everywhere they go, and it can be challenging to find that work/life balance. I will teach you breathing techniques to slow down the racing mind, and bring appreciation back for the simple joys. The physical postures in Gita Hatha yoga work directly with our endocrine system and energy centres, helping you find that still point among the twists and turns of life

Classes are 45 min, maximum of 25 staff

Single class $200

OR full day $500

Hi Jacki, 

Thank you again for the sessions for last term. Some feedback that staff have shared is;

 * The sessions were age appropriate

* The timeline of 4 weeks was perfect

* The use of themes was great

* The amount of time per session was suited well for each grade level.

Christy Roberts

Deputy Principal, St. Laurence O'Toole Primary School

Leongatha, VIC, 3953, 03 5662 2192

Jackie’s yoga sessions were a fabulous addition to our Emotional Well-Being program during the remote learning period. The children enjoyed her videos during this time, and love when Jackie can deliver her Yoga sessions in person at our school.  

Donna Russell,

Meeniyan Primary School, 3/4RG


Program plans are a guide, and can be tailored to suit specific needs. If you are interested in finding out more or would like to trial a class, I am happy to come and visit your school when it suits.

Turning Point YOGA

Helping you navigate your best path